meet coach gabby

Gabby Barta 40 Owner/Founder of GB Power Wellness

Why Gabby Became an Online Wellness Coach for Women Beyond 40 ?

Gabby's fascination with sports, competition, and pushing her physical limits began at a young age.

Her dedication and passion earned her a full basketball scholarship to Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, MA. Standing at just 5'2", this achievement was a significant milestone and a dream come true for her.

Following college, she pursued physical therapy assisting at South College in West Palm Beach, Florida, graduating cum laude in 1994.

However, after working in the field for some time, she realized that she couldn't provide the level of attention she desired to her patients, often juggling 3-4 patients per hour. Moreover, she noticed that many of her patients' ailments could have been prevented with proactive health measures from a younger age.

This realization prompted her transition into personal training, obtaining certifications in Pilates Training in 2003 and Personal Training in 2010.

During the pandemic, she adapted to the online space, working with numerous private clients and family members unable to attend gyms. Through this experience, she recognized that wellness extends beyond workouts to encompass nutrition and self-care.

Motivated by this understanding, Gabby focused on working with women specifically, as she observed they often neglect their own well-being while attending to numerous responsibilities....bringing her to where she is today.

When gabby is not coaching or personal training she enjoys time with her fiancé, family , fur babies , loved ones, working out , playing softball, listening to inspirational music & cooking .


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